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Copyright © 2022 Tina Thompson Dance Fitness, Inc. All rights reserved.

Dance Fitness Guru, Empowerment Coach, Creator of PILABALLET
Ms. Fitness USA & Ms. Fitness Pro, Dance Fitness Pioneer World Choreographer/Ambassador/Pro-Competitor,
2006 Ms. Fitness USA 1st Runner-up
*First African American woman to Perform a fitness competition routine en pointe.
Ms. Fitness Virginia 2005 OCB
2008 NPC Fitness Champion,
Producer of 'Josephine's Cotton' Broadway Revue Over 20 Years of Experience in
Tina Thompson is a World/ National Fitness Ambassador and Competitor. She has been a title holder and held numerous fitness accolades for over a decade. Tina Thompson has studied at the Alvin Ailey, Martha Graham and Dance Theatre of Harlem Professional Schools of Dance. She was given scholarships at all three institutions. She was given a full distinguished professional training scholarship at the Dance Theatre of Harlem while attending The Juilliard School. She has trained with Arthur Mitchell, Kevin Keenan, Ethel Winters, Anna Sokolow, Bessie Elmer, Walter Raines, Alfredo Corvino and Loel Smith. She has performed at American Dance Festivals, City Center, Metropolitan Opera House, Alice Tully Hall, Continental Airlines Arena and throughout Romania. Tina was the first choreographic award recipient for the Welcome back to Brooklyn festival at 17 years of age. As well as being one of the youngest choreographers to ever receive this award. Alumni of the Erasmus Performing Arts High School and Academy of the Arts (from where she graduated early with honors), she went on to the world prestigious and infamous Juilliard School on full scholarship. Tina continued her degree studies at LIU Brooklyn Campus in Exercise Physiology.
Tina is a 2007 Carmen de Lavallade Artistic fellowship Recipient and the 2009 Excellence in the Arts /COASHI DCA Art Fund Grant Recipient for (Choreography Awards)- 'ECCENTRICA- THE SKIN PROJECT" & SUMMERFEST 2009. Her extensive background in Contemporary dance gives her the edge that is needed in today’s ever-growing world of fitness. Currently she is in the studio working on her newest premiere JOSEPHINE'S COTTON for the 2023 season. Tina is an Arts in Education Teacher, certified group fitness professional, Pilaballet instructor, personal trainer and exercise movement Therapist in New York City. She helps spread her knowledge by teaching workshops and directing her dance theater and fitness events throughout the New York. This Decade promises to be a culmination of her experience and directorship!
Still I Rise by Maya Angelou
You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom? ‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high,
Still I’ll rise.
Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops, Weakened by my soulful cries?
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don’t you take it awful hard ‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines Diggin’ in my own backyard.
You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I’ve got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
Hello Tina, My name is Tay and I used to take your class at the Oceana complex gym located In Brooklyn. I was one of the Residents attending your weekly classes. I'd like to find out whether you give any private classes since I need a personal trainer. I absolute loved your classes back then, as they had really affected my day. Your charisma and energy made you memorable to me and since I am looking to get into the best shape of my life, I couldn't think of anyone else to help me get there - other than you. Thank you in advance. "Between taking body wrap 2x a week and going to the three-day wknd fit camp my body has never been pushed so hard and has changed like this program. I have been an athlete/dancer/runner my whole life and this program is beyond. Tina Thompson is brilliant, so talented, giving, and had given me so much fire and energy for dance, my body, and life". - Samantha Mostaccio
"I have gone to FIT CAMP for the past two years and each time it has been an enlightening, beautiful, fun-filled, one-of-a-kind experience. There isn’t a price that can be placed on the journey Fit Camp takes you on. Not only do you get to know your friends even better, and make new ones, you learn a lot about yourself. I know I am not alone in saying that I am eternally grateful that Ms. Tina Thompson finds the time each year to organize such an amazing event despite her busy schedule and does so with passion and love.... Fit Camp is really a gift from her to us. Each year, I feel that I have left Fit Camp a stronger person mentally and physically. You are pushed so far beyond your comfort zone but at the same time you are having the best time of your life with wonderful people. There is no way you can leave Fit Camp without feeling anew or not gaining something positive. It is truly an amazing experience. Thank you, Ms. Tina!"
A short conversation in the sauna at CRUNCH Lafayette turned into a moment of inspiration, motivation, encouragement and invitation; an invitation to Miss Tina Thompson’s world of fitness. A world, like no other I had encountered, and a world that has become part of my life for the past 4 years. Miss Tina truly gives her all in every class she teaches, and she expects the same from her students. I admire her style, and I look forward to seeing her every Thursday evening and Saturday mornings. She motivates me in each class by pushing me, and testing my limits. However, it is her words of wisdom, shared with either an enthusiastic smile, or during a moment of seriousness, that guides me, each time I leave her class. She is in love with her craft and her students. In short, Miss Tina is not just a fitness instructor; she is hardworking, a role model, a friend, and a supporter. Her spirit is contagious, and she is truly a joy to be around. - HARRIET ASASE
Hi Tina, First, I want to thank you for changing my attitude towards fitness. After attending your class back in January, I started to focus on becoming a healthier ME rather than a size 4! I try to go to the gym 5 times a week and watch what I eat. I love your Monday night Pilates class (when I can get there in time from midtown west) and have started to attend your conditioning class on Thursday night (which kicks my butt!) I hear you talk about supplements and protein shakes. I always think that protein shakes will be counteractive to losing weight, and I have no idea what supplements would be best for me at the tender age of 26. I know for sure that I need to start taking glucosamine for my problematic knees, but that's the extent of what I know. I have also told my mother (who lives in Jersey) about your classes. I would love to purchase your video and surprise her with it. Can you bring one to your conditioning class on Thursday? Once again, thanks for making me work so hard! See you on Thursday! - Nadia
MENTAL ACCEPTANCE + VICTORY! written by Victor Matos
I went to a Fit Camp run by the LEGENDARY Tina Thompson. She is an amazing human being with 20+ years of dance training and just as many in Fitness. I first met Tina at her birthday party 2 years ago, I went as Karam Ahluwalia's date and I am glad I did. Miss Tina (as we call her) is by far the best instructor I've ever worked out under, including all the coaches I've trained under while in school. After that first meeting I was so enamored I convinced my mother (Carmen) to join crunch and take her classes. It's been a year and a half now that Carmen has been going religiously to Tina's classes during weekdays and on weekends and I've seen the amazing transformation that she's undergone. Not just the weight loss and the drops in dress sizes, but also in her energy levels and in her overall fitness and health. Even though I loved Miss Tina from day one, I don't think I was mentally ready for her to become my fitness guru. I went to one of her classes with Carmen, early on, but I never went back. I attribute my hesitation to several factors, I don't like Gyms, I was playing a lot of tennis and running and didn't see the need and I had not yet changed the way I took care of my body. After a trip to Dominican Republic and to the doctor's office (Gastroenterologist), I found out that i have Gastritis which eats away at your esophageal lining and your stomach's lining as well. This wasn't really a shock once I sat down and thought about my daily life in NYC. High stress, long hours at work, little sleep, terrible diet and poor eating habits take their toll. I changed my diet and it relieved a lot of the symptoms and has drastically reduced the instances of heartburn and indigestion. I also started doing more to keep active. Even after all that I still had not come to the realization that I had a need for Miss Tina's tough love. That only came after I did her Fit Camp, which if i might add Karam and Carmen have now been twice. When you consider the fact that we can't clone ourselves and that organs are still a "high commodity", the only option left is to take care of the ONE body you do have. Plastic surgery is an amazing branch of medicine but if you don't take care of yourselves, it's like getting a new paint job on a clunker, the body will look amazing, but the insides aren't worth shit. Anyways Back to Miss Tina, she ran the entire program all weekend with some of the classes/exercises run by some of her colleagues. We worked out the moment we got there and till the last minute possible on the last day. Yes, I did puke and had a total body shutdown on the second day (and i missed one class, sorry Miss Tina), but I felt amazing every second we were there. I left the FIT camp revitalized, detoxified and sore as hell, and now i can't wait for next year's. One thing that became very clear throughout the entire weekend is that u work out to the best of your abilities. Looking around the room during any of the classes you could see people stopping and others going strong, but everyone was pushing themselves that extra bit for the love of Tina for the love of their classmates and for themselves. Miss Tina is my Fitness Village, and all her true followers are now my family. If the village had a sign it would read "Enter only with love in your heart or beware". Now my question to you is this? Do you have a Fitness Village, a Fitness Family to help you on this not so easy journey? Since I feel like I'm just running my mouth at this point all i want to say is. If you are ready to take the first step for the rest of your Fit Life let me know and I'll take you with me to her class. If you are not ready for the commitment don't bother. We are not all the same, but we all do breakdown.
Greetings Tina- I used to attend your Ultimate Step classes taught at NYSC (Union Square). I have since relocated to DC and still can't get over how challenging yet fun and inspiring your workouts were. I have yet to find a step aerobics program in my area that compares. I see on your website that you offer videos. I would love to build a collection for exercises I can do at home when not in the gym. Which videos would you recommend? Thanks in advance! -- Levita Robinson
Tina, I want to be more thankful for 2008, so I want to say 'thank you' to you. Your classes have transformed my gym attitude. I look forward to going to your classes 2 times per week and because of that I go 2-3 times outside of your classes. I also want you to know that I appreciate your vast knowledge of the human body. I am a pharmacist and I find that everything you say about the body and supplementation is very true. I think it's great that you are spreading the message, because many of the younger people that take your classes aren't thinking about those sorts of things. I can tell by what you share that you understand physiology very well and it comes through in the exercises you choose for your classes. So, thank you Tina for being such an inspiring teacher!!!! -Linsay
Hi Tina! I heard that you are coming back for the Tuesday night class. I have been anxiously awaiting your return, because I have never taken any other class where I get the kind of workout that I get in your class. I do have a question though... at the beginning of each of your classes you always ask if anyone is pregnant. We are currently "trying", but I do not know yet if I am. If I am, I would currently be only 3 weeks, so I obviously would not want to raise my hand & say that I am. Would I be able to take your class, or should I wait to find out for sure and/or wait until the 2nd trimester? Also, what is your feeling on heart rate during pregnancy? The previously recommended 140bpm max. will make it very difficult for me to do anything beyond walking or extremely low impact. My heart rate always tends to go high (155-180bpm) during cardio workouts, but I recover very fast. I would like to stay fit while pregnant, so let me know what you think. Thanks so much for your help!!
Hey Tina! Lovin' the classes and 'lovin' the way I feel and look! WOW! You have done quite a number on me but I have no problem with it. I needed it and I feel GREAT! I honestly believe that the Creator has brought a new family in my life to take me to the next level of dance and fitness. When I came back to Crunch after being away for 8 years, I wanted something different in my workout. Lo and behold, I found it in your classes. YOU HAVE SPOILED ME TINA! See you on Friday!- Monique Thomas
Hey Tina, How are you? I miss you and your amazing spiritual and physical fitness lift. I so miss your classes in Miami--I'm in NYC wedding planning--looking for dress and reception I hope to see you at classes--My body sure misses your super extreme classes. No comparison at any other gym. I need to find a way to get my arms and legs tight again. Please help! luv u, Angela "Spice Girl"
Hi Tina,
I met you on Sunday at the McBurney YMCA. I'm one of the female pro handball players. I look forward to working with you. Your web site is very impressive. I have a question...I have always been fit for the sport handball, I also use to box with a trainer, and I would generally work out at home. My arms and legs stay firm because of handball and at one time my abdominal area was pretty firm. My obliques were very defined, but I didn't have a six pack. Is that something that has to run in your genes? Maybe I didn't work hard enough to bring those muscle out? I now started working out again and I keep a good diet under the guidance of my nutritionist. I have two children and was wondering if you can give me some tips on firming up the mid-section. Thanks, and hope to hear from you soon, Bernice Torres
Hey Tina, have fun making your video. I can't wait to see it :) But I will miss you :( I just wanted to remind you to bring the scoop when you come back to Oceana. That would be great. I have to tell you that I have been feeling more energetic since I started what you recommended me to do. My husband noticed the change and he said his happy that I have more energy for what I do with the kids every day. And also, that I am feeling great about myself which was hard before. So thanks Tina for everything that you have done for me :) I can't wait for you to come back. And I promise to not miss "my time" at the gym :) Talk to you soon, Cindy
Tina, My thoughts on Fit Camp: JUST WHAT I NEEDED. I had such a great time this weekend. I looked at the price tag before going, and was a little weary, but something told me it would all be worth it, and it was. It turned out to be a mental and physical release, and a great bonding experience. I thought a lot over the weekend - a lot of things are going on, and when I said "betrayal" on the bus survey, it's because that has been a feeling I've experienced a lot these days unfortunately - but sweating, working hard, laughing, and focusing on something else has put me at peace. And we had the perfect balance of work and "enjoying the amenities" which was so important. Also, the nutrition talk was great. Glad we had that discussion. It was fun getting to know other people on the trip. I see Rose and Connie every Friday, but I knew nothing about them. But after the morning walks, sharing meals, and horseback riding with them, I feel closer to them. I didn't have any sort of huge discussion with either of them, sometimes you dont need words to get closer to people, just experiences. And Z - after the classes on Friday, I relaized, she is the girl I see every time I am Crowne, staking out her corner of the studio while we rehearse! Now she is not just that girl I have to avoid bumping into while I am dancing, lol. There really wouldn't be anything I'd change for the next time. One thing I'd like to be added to the agenda next time is a hike. I was really looking forward to hiking sometime over the weekend, that would have been awesome. I would keep the group the same size we were, even if that meant putting people on a wait list. Oh, maybe some more meditation could be added. The Yoga sessions were awesome and really relaxing so maybe we could throw some meditation in there too. And the food.... SOOOOO GOOOD. I haven't eaten like that in a while, and now that I took my oath, I won't be stuffing my face with a second plate for a long time.... lol. Thank you, Tina! - Kerri Ford
The purpose of this short film is to show the place we are in as fellow artists and creative minds. Our world has been shifted & forever changed as creatives and visionaries. This will be our second film documentary Executive produced by Tina Thompson and Creative Directed by Josef Woodson. Improving diversity knowledge is a required component of every company. With more and more businesses having global presence workplace diversity is a forgone conclusion. Our Producer/ Director explores the experiences of artists, performers, people... all confronting bias and truths so that we will be able to use strategies to be proactive and remove barriers. This film will be show how to build and encourage diversity in our workplaces and community.
The funds will be used to document, interview, curate and to perform production off-site/on-site. We will be grateful for your help in this pre-production for our FILM release:
DANCE IN THE NEW WORLD (Scheduled for April 2022)
Wear a mask Please... ***COVID-19 vaccine and the honor system When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made its change for fully vaccinated people to ditch their masks, much of it was reliant on people being honest about their vaccination status. “You’re gonna be depending on people being honest enough to say whether they are vaccinated or not,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN when the CDC announced it changes. Quinton Lucas, the mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, told CNN he didn’t see the honor system working his city. “It creates these sorts of challenges where, how does the store clerk check it? How does our health department actually enforce any rule at all?” Lucas said. “So, while I respect many of the jurisdictions that are trying to, I think, really have adherence to the CDC (guidance), it’s a challenge for us.” Why doesn’t the honor system always work? According to The Washington Post, the U.S. is too polarized to make it work. “That lack of trust, fueled by the ongoing politicization of the pandemic, tears at the fabric of a public health strategy built on the assumption that other people will do the right thing,” according to The Washington Post.
Training Methodology by SKIN Dance Company Artistic Director Tina Thompson-Pope Empowerment And Fitness spirit wrapped into Fat Burning Pilates that turns classic ballet on its head! Get your sweat and Misty Copeland on in this calorie-blasting cardio and body sculpting class that maximizes your fat burning potential by turning up the intensity of the Pilates ring and neo-classical ballet moves. The challenging cardio circuit format will leave you looking as lean and toned as a prima ballerina. Decades of experience and education with transformation.
Fit Camp was a special experience I hope to repeat yearly! I left firmer, stronger with a new view on health! Tina is the most supportive instructor (cum life coach at times) I have ever encountered. Throughout interval training and dance fitness, she was also giving guidance for life. Her energy permeates the fitness camp and the energy of fellow students Quite Supportive!! Planning on going to many other fitness camps in the future!!- Courtney. G